Art Morena

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Obra artística que es mucha más que solo pintura


The artist is the one who makes an artistic work that is much more than just paint splattered on a canvas.

A collection of diverse paintings and abstract artworks that share an affinity for the abstract, characterized by the absence of elementary and common forms and figures. These works, free from traditional representations, invite the viewer to explore an ethereal and intangible world.

The color palette used is in perfect synchronization with this absence of identifiable elements, enhancing the abstraction. The colors are applied expressively, evoking emotions and thoughts that transcend tangible reality.
Each work reflects the unique creativity of its creators, communicating the ineffable through abstraction. This collection offers a visual and emotional journey, where the lack of concreteness broadens the interpretive horizon, highlighting the potential of abstract art to touch the human soul and mind.
Mood Board:

Photo by Ana Westley, 2020/2020, “Insmomnia”, Retrived from: [Consulted: 11/09/2022]

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Who is Morena?

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The artist is the one who makes an artistic work that is much more than just paint splattered on a canvas. A collection of diverse paintings and abstract