Art Morena

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No existe la rebeldía


There is no such thing as rebellion, only criticism, which on many occasions is expressed through art.

A collection specifically dedicated to expressionist works that show similarities in technique, colors and visual elements with Morena’s works. This collection covers different periods, from the beginnings of expressionism to contemporary pieces, offering a broad vision of the movement.
Each work reflects the emotional intensity and subjectivity of expressionism, using distinctive techniques and a dramatic, contrasting color palette. The collection includes both historic and recent pieces, demonstrating the evolution of the style over time.
Through this combination of styles and periods, the collection captures the essence of expressionism and highlights individual artists’ interpretations, showing how the movement has been adapted and transformed over the years.
Mood Board:

Photo by Vasili Kandinsky, 1914-02-25, “Bild mit rotem Fleck”, Retrived from: [Consulted: 12/09/2022]

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Who is Morena?

Who is Morena?

Martha Elizabeth Moreno was born on May 8, 1973 in Barbosa, Santander, Colombia. Because of his father’s job. At the age of five, they moved to Bogotá, the

His beginnings in art

His beginnings in art

First Martha tells us how she came up with the famous pseudonym “Morena”, which she also uses to sign her works. How did the pseudonym “Morena” come about?



The artist is the one who makes an artistic work that is much more than just paint splattered on a canvas. A collection of diverse paintings and abstract